Friday, March 27, 2009

SHAD in the SHED?

Yesterday Mrs. Agner and Ms. Ackerman took some of the trout team to Easton, PA for a workshop on "Shad in the Classroom". We all crammed in the van at 10:30am. The ride was about an hour and a half. We arrived at the Easton Area Middle School at about 12:00pm. The school was HUGE. All the students wore name tags!

We learned a lot about the upkeep of a Shad tank. Although they are both local fish the care for Shad is a little bit different. Shad like a current, trout like stagnant water. Shad are super important because EVERYTHING eats them. Some raptors have even evolved over time to lay their eggs in time for shad season. We saw pictures of something called a "Shad Bush" a shrub that buds right before the shad start hatching.

They even showed us how to set up the tank. When it was over we were informed that the school would contacts us when we are able to participate.
If you're interested in Shad check this out!!!

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