Our biggest fish is now measuring in at 3 and 1/2 inches (at least!!) This afternoon Lauren and Michelle did a ten gallon water change.
Trout Unlimited stopped by to check out our progress and seemed very impressed with the quality of life we have provided for our trout. We have the cleanest tank they've seen!
We're starting to narrow down our release sites. We have to keep in mind water temperature, the class of the stream(A,B,C,etc), and the benefits our trout will bring to the Eco-system.
The trout team is delighted to announce we have close to 100 trout in our tank alive and thriving!
Hi Gabby and All - it was great to tour your class and programs yesterday. I learned alot and was blown away by how much you guys do when it comes to the big picture in Eco Education. I wish I could take you all on the road with me to show off and replicate throughout the state! Thanks Again - Todd Bowersox, Education & Communications Chair, PA Trout Unlimited